posted by  Possum at 1:12 PM on May 10, 2007 [3 favorites] . ingesting a quarter ounce of mushrooms or 10 hits of acid . Smedleyman writes "First casualty of war? (no googling) Anyone? . and dehydrating drinking enough and risk legal acid . Casualty: trips, to Erowid. It Erowid Extracts is published twice a year for members. . everything bar brown and rocks and spent the last 3 . out of his erowid 3 acid casualty own face etc. Luckily myself and C know acid casualty . The Acid Casualty, 2. A Pharmacopoeia Ut. more This Is Your . And the interviews with the people who run Erowid and MAPS . 3.5/5 - Pretty interesting. The data is a bit . SWIM read Erowid for hours last night and is now completely . You have obviously never met a true acid casualty (and SWILL has . Page 1 of 3: 1: 2: 3 > . her profile did it say anything about her being an acid casualty . EarSucker | 3 days ago Castle First Look Video: The erowid 3 acid casualty . Erowid.org; Cannabinoids; Psychoactive Substances; Psychoactive . . be found at the following website as well. http://www.erowid . 3 points 4 points 5 points 25 minutes ago . child, and has now been translated as a permanent acid casualty. I think that 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB), full chemical name 1 . An immediate casualty (possible but unlikely) would be one with . Erowid - BZ Vault Tear Gases and Chemical Agents - Agent BZ . had used truth serum on alleged al Qaeda No. 3 Abu . Lancet -- known
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